We’ve been building and delivering Kinner-cars from Kinner workshop in Finland since last summer. We have had our test customers driving hundreads of kilometres in Finland and Sweden. -Since that Kinner has gone thru various small upgrades. including new trunk, allowing better seat adjusting for tall drivers. Also fuselage upgrades for easier service &Continue reading “EU Deliveries started”
Author Archives: admin
Test drives !
We are now making the first batch of cars. First ones are ready for testing,-some adjusting still needed. Brake handles are too long and hit your knees, -After the video we received new custom built brakes that are working great. We are now working with Lights & mudguards & chaincovers. On the video we haveContinue reading “Test drives !”
First cars (almost) ready
A first batch of test cars are finished one at the time. We are now testin some accessories like mudguards, mirrors – Brake handles on test brakes are too big, they hit your knees on cornering. New custom built brakes are arriving on monday.. Also front suspension hits the bottom, some adjusting needed. -New windscreenContinue reading “First cars (almost) ready”
Starting serial production
-Production is starting. At the moment aluminium parts are in laser cutting, we’re starting welding fuselages for the first batch of cars. Also composite molds are moved to new facility – co-operation with new subcontractor will be released soon. First batch of cars will be also in new colours, they will be available to chooseContinue reading “Starting serial production”